
Huge mural

Mural on a Houston building

Big Balls at Minute Maid Stadium

Beatle's, nuff said

The Beatles are regarded as one of the most influential bands in rock history. Their unique compositions, which for a long time were influenced by their recreational drug use, struck a chord with the 60's generation of counterculture. It is sad to note that one of the biggest online music stores, the iTunes Music store, has very little of Th Beatles' music, as this could open up their brand of music to a large audience which before this, wouldn't have considered it. We need more innovative people like John Lennon and George Harrison to move the music industry forward.

Now playing on iTunes:
The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy)
via FoxyTunes

Sentada en la silla probando

Otro set de rattan

Mas de rattan1



Rattan 1

Signos de calle en Houston

Sage Rd


Saw that one coming

Sun OpenSolaris to become "Linux-like"

From Enterprise Linux:

Analysts familiar with Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Project Indiana say that as early as this week the company could reveal plans to revamp the OpenSolaris operating system by incorporating key pieces of Linux software.

In March 2007, Sun officially announced Project Indiana, whose goal is to create an OpenSolaris binary distribution. The long-term objective of the project is to increase the technology's user base and cultivate mindshare. Similar to Red Hat's Fedora Core and Novell's openSUSE projects, OpenSolaris is Sun's open source operating system and includes experimental features that might eventually make their way into its commercial Solaris operating system.

This is of course, of course old news



The bo


Sister art

My vase!

Oh my god! he killed kenny....and everyone else

Mas y mas alto!